become 「…になる」
▢ become [bikʌm]「…になる」
・※ become の –o– の発音 ⇒ コチラ
・※ become の変化 ⇒ コチラ
・※ 変化を表す get / become ⇒ コチラ
・▢ 覚え方
・・眠くなる ⇒ 「あくび」が出る ⇒ 腕をかむ…寝てしまわないように。
▢ 教科書の例
・When I was a child, I was forced to become a soldier. ② L-08
・※ when …[接続詞] ⇒ コチラ
・For these reasons, manga has become very popular in the last few decades. ③ L-02
・※ has become …[現在完了形] ⇒ コチラ
・※ last ⇒ コチラ
・It became the story of Peter Rabbit.② L-02
・The Ogasawara Islands became a World Heritage Site in 2011. ② L-03
・He became a professional baseball player. ③ L-01
・We became 'one’, and we won the match. ③ L-01
・※ won の発音 ⇒ コチラ
・About a month after the sports day, Sadako suddenly became sick. ③ L-04
・When she was in elementary school, she became sick. ③ L-04
・※ when …[接続詞] ⇒ コチラ
・Winter’s tail became very bad. ③ L-04
・※ tail と tale は [同音異義語] ⇒ コチラ
・With these words, she became a hero to many people both in Africa and around the world. ③ L-07
・※ around the world = all over the world「世界中で、世界中の」
・After I won a tournament for the first time, the pressure became intense. ③ L-07
・※ after …[接続詞] ⇒ コチラ
・He became friends with the woman, Susan Adams. ③ L-07