▢ [動名詞]を含む慣用的な表現
There is no ~ing「~することはできな」
・There is no
accounting for tastes.
・[ことわざ] 人の好みの理由を説明することはできない;蓼(たで)食う虫も好き好き
・※ account for「説明する」
・There is no denying his capability as a physician.
・There’s no mistaking what we must do.
It is no use [good] ~ing / There is no use (in) ~ing「~してもむだである」
・It is no use crying over spilt milk.
・[ことわざ] こぼれた牛乳のことで泣き悔やんでも無駄だ;覆水盆に返らず
・・※ 詳しい説明は ⇒ コチラ
besides ~ing / in addition to ~ing「~のうえに」
advising him, I gave him some money.
・In addition to being a good teacher, she was a great scholar.
・(=She was a great scholar as well as a good teacher.)
・彼女はよい教師であるばかりでなく, 偉大な学者でもあった
be in the habit of ~ing「~する習慣である」
・My grandmother was in the habit of taking a walk in the morning.
・He was in the habit of arriving early for work.
be on the point of ~ing「まさに~しようとしている」
・He was on the point of going.
worth ~ing / it is worth while ~ing / It is worth while to do「~する価値がある」
・Is the book worth reading?
・It isn’t worth while going there now.
・It is worth while visiting [to visit] the ruins.
・It was not worth while going [to go].
feel like ~ing「~したい気がする」
・I don’t feel like eating anything.
・I don’t feel like going out tonight.
・I feel like going out for a walk.
look forward to ~ing「~するのを待ち望む」「~するのを楽しみにする」
・※ to は[前置詞]です。[不定詞]の to と勘違いしやすいので注意が必要です。
・We are all looking forward to meeting you.
cannot help ~ing / cannot resist ~ing「~せざるをえない」
・I cannot help feeling pity for her.
・I cannot help being poor.
・cannot resist smiling
It goes without saying that「~は言うまでもない」
・※ without+[動名詞] の説明 ⇒ コチラ
・It goes without saying that they will all join us.
・It goes without saying that the theory is correct.
What do you say to ~ing / 「~してはどうですか」
・※ to は[前置詞]です。[不定詞]の to と勘違いしやすいので注意が必要です。
・What do you say to taking a rest?
・What do you say to taking a walk?
How about ~ing? / What about ~ing?「~してはどうですか」
・How about giving me a chance to breathe?
・How about going for a walk?
・What about going for a swim?
★ 他の[動名詞]関連のページ
▢ 動名詞 ① 動詞を名詞にした品詞 ⇒ コチラ
▢ 動名詞 ② [前置詞]+[動名詞] ⇒ コチラ
▢ 動名詞 ③ [動詞]+[動名詞] ⇒ コチラ
▢ 動名詞 ④ [動名詞]+[名詞]「~するための」 ⇒ コチラ
★ -ing がつく用法や単語 ⇒ コチラ