▢ stick out「目立つ, 突出する, 突き出す」
▢ 例文
・stick out like a sore thumb
・ひどく不似合だ, 場違いだ
・The nail that sticks out will get hammered down.
・The nail that sticks out gets hammered in.
・The nail that stands up is the one that gets hammered.
・出る釘は打ち込まれる / 出る杭は打たれる
・Stick out your tongue.
▢「目立つ」関係の単語・熟語 ⇒ コチラ
stick out「目立つ, 突出する, 突き出す」
stand out「際立った, 飛び抜けて優れた, 目立つ」
▢ stand out「際立った, 飛び抜けて優れた, 目立つ」
▢ 例文
・She stands out in a crowd.
・stand out against a dark background
・The tower stands out clear against the evening sky.
・The mountain stands out sharp against the sky.
・She was so tall that she would have stood out in a crowd anywhere.
・The church stood out against the blue sky.
▢「目立つ」関係の単語・熟語 ⇒ コチラ
pick out「選び出す, 目立たせる」
▢ pick out「選び出す, 選定する, 見てそれとわかる, 目立たせる」
▢ 例文
・pick out a well-known face in a crowd
・be picked out in blue
・I could easily pick out his face in the crowd.
・The house is picked out in white.
▢「目立つ」関係の単語・熟語 ⇒ コチラ
blatant「見えすいた, 露骨な, けばけばしい」
▢ blatant [bléitənt]「見えすいた, 露骨な, けばけばしい, 目に余る」
▢ 例文
・a blatant lie
・blatant bad taste
・blatant discrimination
・a blatant forgery
・I cannot bear his blatant disrespect for my rights.
・I’m not willing to extend my tolerance to such blatant lies.
▢ 無礼な担当者(たんとうしゃ) … 目に余る
▢「目立つ」関係の単語・熟語 ⇒ コチラ
evident「はっきり見えて, 明らかな, 明白な」
▢ evident [έvəḍənt]「はっきり見えて, 明らかな, 明白な」
・※ evidence「証拠, 根拠」⇒ コチラ
▢ 例文
・His innocence was evident.
・It was evident to everyone that the project was a total failure.
・Tom began eating his lunch with evident enjoyment.
・That Bob is smart is not evident.
▢「目立つ」関係の単語・熟語 ⇒ コチラ
significant「かなりの, 目立って大きい」「重要な, 重大な」
▢ significant [siɡnífikənt]「かなりの, 目立って大きい」「重要な, 重大な」
▢ 例文
・a girl without any significant character
・a significant forest
・a significant increase in population
・a significant date
・a significant event
・significant difference
・There is no significant difference between them.
▢「目立つ」関係の単語・熟語 ⇒ コチラ
obvious「いやに目立つ, きざな」
▢ obvious [ɔbviəs]「いやに目立つ, きざな」「明らかな, 明白な」
▢ 例文
・Her kindness was a little obvious.
・Her bright, red lipstick is a bit too obvious.
・an obvious signboard
・make an obvious error in addition
・It is so obvious that it needs no argument.
・an obvious excuse
▢「目立つ」関係の単語・熟語 ⇒ コチラ
conspicuous「人目を引く, 目立つ」
▢ conspicuous [kənspíkjuəs]「人目を引く, 目立つ」
▢ 例文
・a conspicuous road sign
・He was conspicuous by his booming laughter.
・The house is so conspicuous that you can’t miss it.
・be conspicuous for beauty
・I felt very conspicuous in my jeans – everyone else was in suit.
▢「目立つ」関係の単語・熟語 ⇒ コチラ
noticeable [人目を引く, 目立つ]「注目に値する, 注目すべき」
▢ noticeable [nóutisəbl]「人目を引く, 目立つ, 顕著な」「注目に値する, 注目すべき」
▢ 例文
・He is very noticeable because of his extraordinary height.
・It is noticeable that he is the tallest in this class.
・He has no noticeable accent.
・There was no noticeable damage.
・An operative wound is almost not noticeable.
▢「目立つ」関係の単語・熟語 ⇒ コチラ
prominent「目につきやすい, 目立った」「卓越した, 有名な」
▢ prominent [prɔmənənt]「目につきやすい, 目立った, 顕著な」「卓越した, 有名な」
▢ 例文
・Our house is very prominent.
・He has a prominent Adam’s apple.
・a notice in prominent letters
・a prominent mound
・He kept the book in a prominent place on his bookshelf.
▢「目立つ」関係の単語・熟語 ⇒ コチラ