segregate「分ける, 分離する, 隔離する」
▢ segregate [segregate]「分ける,分離する, 隔離する」
▢ 例文
・Cholera patients were segregated from the others in the hospital.
・Colored races have been segregated into certain residential zones.
・segregated buses
・segregated restaurants / segregated beaches
・人種による入場制限のあるレストラン /海水浴場
・segregate boys and girls / segregate boys from girls
・South Africa is no longer a racially segregated society.
・Outsiders were kept segregated from the rest of society.
▢ せ~の、夕暮れにゲイトを通って帰ろうか … 隔離します
□ 「分離」関係の単語・熟語 ⇒ コチラ