come out「出てくる, 現れる」
▢ come out「出てくる, 現れる」
・※ come out には他に「出て来る, ぬける, 退院する, 抜ける」などの意味もあります。
▢ 例文
・Turtles do not come out until warm weather arrives.
・The moon came out from behind the clouds.
・It came out that he had a criminal record.
・A person’s true character comes out in a crisis.
・I come out in rashes after eating eggs.
・More and more books on the topic are coming out every month.
・come out into the open
・The new car models have come out.
□ モグラが穴から出てきた(come out)
□「現れる」関係の単語・熟語 ⇒ コチラ